S.M.A.K / Gent / Belgien
21. - 22. Juni 2013
Manuel Burgener
im S.M.A.K in Gent
(Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art)
Reise nach Gent und Besuch der Vernissage
The Swiss artist Manuel Burgener (1978) uses ordinary materials, often remnants of past exhibitions, to make site-specific compositions and objects.
His work explores every possible step between construction, deconstruction and destruction and reveals the possibilities by which sculpture can arise and exist. In the creation of a new work, Burgener again and again seeks out a point where communication between the work and the viewer becomes impossible. By doing this, in the first place he is anticipating the viewer’s desire to see a ‘finished’ result, but after unravelling this level of reading, which he finds too predictable, he adds an extra ‘implicit level of tension’.
21. - 22. Juni 2013
Bern - Gent - Bern
CHF 350.- (inkl. Reise, Übernachtung und Führungen)
21. - 22. Juni 2013
Bern - Gent - Bern
CHF 350.- (inkl. Reise, Übernachtung und Führungen)
Freitag, 21.06.2013
7.00 Uhr Abfahrt in Bern (Schützenmatt)
(Mit Kleinbus 10 Plätze)
Gent an 14.30 Uhr
Check-In Hotel:
Best Western Hotel Chamade ***
Details folgen
Abend Opening der Ausstellung
von Manuel Burgener
Samstag, 22.06.2013
14.00 Uhr Abfahrt in Gent
21.00 Uhr Ankunft inBern